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Journal Publication: 

We welcome high-quality contributions from researchers and scholars in the field and encourage the submission of innovative and impactful research papers for review and potential publication in:

1.RAUSP Management Journal - Scopus Q2

2.Business Perspectives and Research - Scopus Q3

3.Journal of Business & Economic Studies - ABDC

4.International Journal of Accounting and Business Finance - ABDC

5.Journal of Accounting, Business and Management - ABDC

6.Platform: Management and Humanities –UTP Press


Conference Proceedings Publication:

Conference Proceedings (WOS Indexing): All accepted papers will be published in Web of Science conference proceedings (KNE Publisher) at no additional cost, aligning with our dedication to fostering an open knowledge exchange within the scholarly community under the Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ICESG2024).​​

Book Series Publication: 

Book Chapter (WOS/Scopus Indexing): There are also potential publications, such as book chapters published by IGI Global. Papers will be selected based on the content alignment with the theme of the book series.