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Conference Topics

Objective of the Conference

The objective of this conference is to uncover and address t​he limitless opportunities, challenges and struggles we face in educating, instilling human values, human spirit, and human culture in the digital era, within the realms of our practices in Teaching and Learning; Language Use and Concerns, Religions, Sciences and Morality; Communication and New Media, and the ASEAN Community. This exciting two-day conference promises an exciting array of distinguished prolific speakers and experts debating on the thought provoking debate over opportunities and challenges in intersecting Education and the Humanities in the industrial age.

Conference Tracks:

There are five conference tracks available for all to associate their research with.

Teaching and Learning

In our endeavor towards a humanistic society within the industrial revolution era, educators need to ensure that education teaching learning styles, approach, competencies and practices reflect the essential holistic, well-balanced and humanistic perspective and that of a morally upright member of the society. For this purpose, there is a need for educators to find a balance between educating, instilling and sustaining real-world values, practices and behaviors that reflect a humane yet industrious nation. What pedagogical efforts and challenges are faced by our educators to create such values, skills and competencies among our young minds in such an era? With paramount reliance on digital connectivity, have educators been able to instill the rightful approach and practices in the realm of education and the humanities? Are existing teaching learning methods, research, practices and approaches sufficient? We argue that teaching and learning approaches is pivotal in ensuring a holistic society despite the dawn of automation and industrial revolution. Discussions can broach on innovative practices, approaches, theories, competencies, curriculum design and policies that aspire the teaching and learning practices in education and the humanities in tandem with the industry can be discussed, relooked or revisited.

Language Use and Concerns

In the era where Internet of Things, Information Technology and Operational Technology is optimized, how will language and linguistics be developed, defined and envisaged as part of the communication structure in the industrial age? What are the challenges and opportunities in communication connectivity and system processes in the industrial era? How will man and languages operate and participate in such distinct globalized environments where industrialization demarcates the way forward? What new notions of language use and concerns need to be deliberated and communicated in the future? How will the new notions of language and linguistic landscape remain afloat as an instrumental tool in an industrialized world? What are the linguistic forms, functions, models and strategic approaches of the future? Deliberations on both theoretical, empirical and pedagogical approaches toward language and/or linguistic use, concerns, structures, literacy, practices in teaching-learning language, language learning, linguistic features, communication, communities of practice and linguistics in the industrial era is welcome.

Religions, Sciences and Morality

Religion, Science and Morality denotes the very fabric of society’s daily practices and behavior. Yet in the pursuit of industrialization in the digital era, where and how is religion, science and morality deemed as? Will spirituality govern our thoughts processes in this industrialized era? How do human values, spirit and humanistic practices be sustained and upheld in such competitive environments? What are the religious, scientific and moral beliefs underlying such environments? How religious beliefs, then do emerging economies aspire to rise and sustain in such environments? While globalization has its merits, others may refute and reject scientific evidence over religious beliefs, ideology, motivation, and morality. We ask ourselves what then are the relations of religious ideologies, psychological functions, motivational underpinnings to scientific and globalized attitudes, practices and approaches in an era of science, modernization and globalization. Discussions on the role of religion, science and morality in a digital era is crucial and timely to heighten the role of humanities in the industrial upsurge is welcome.

Communication and Media

Communication and media play a significant role in creating a borderless nation. Needless to say, digital transformation has impacted our mode of communication and transformed the way human interaction and communication in our global environment. The continuing convergence of both real and virtual communication spurs innovative practices, technologies and networks necessary for all sectors in communication. The need for human interaction, communication and its prevalence in all forms and modes of media should prevail over digitalized communication in connecting the dots among mankind and society. No communication via machine or technological innovation captures the spirit of human communication. Yet technology dominates all forms of communication. Physical reality and virtuality increasingly melt together as part of the 21st century’s mode of communication. Will digital networks and virtual communication supersede human communication in mediating social, political and cultural nuances necessary for communication optimization in the industrial dawn? How does communication and media rise to the challenge in the industrial revolution? Discussions and insights on the impact, challenges and opportunities of digitization in communication and media and its impact on society within the said realm are welcome.

ASEAN Community

In her attempt to be on par with her international counterparts, traditional practices and policies may be a way of the past in view of modernization and international competition. The ASEAN community cannot lag to remain competitive as changes in social, economic, educational, cultural and political practices and policies may occur to the community, policy-makers and her citizens, remain competitive in the eyes of the world. From a socio-cultural front, how does the ASEAN community uphold its cultural values and norms within such environments? Cultural, social, economic, educational, and political disruptions may emerge to sustain as a member of the global arena but yet remain distinct with its ASEAN flavor. Deliberations on the opportunities, challenges and struggles of retaining the distinct ASEAN identity within the realm of industrialization is awaited.